Reiki Masteri Todistus Traditionaalinen Usui Linja



Minun treenaus tarina (englanti kielinen)

Usui reiki Todistukset

Lineage:     Dr. Mikao Usui, >>> Kanichi Taketomi, >>> Kimiko Koyama, >>>

Hiroshi Doi, >>> Richard Rivard, >>> Attila Kupi.

I met with Reiki when I had serious asthma 1992-1993. (As bad as you can think of)

Diana gave 8 healing Hours and I forgot 2 months later what is asthma.

To summarize Reiki, it is one of the higher mind Yoga styles.

 It is a healing system and lifestyle. Enjoy it: Attila

Important: I'm Gendai Reiki Ho Master but not member of Gakkai.

Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai has only about 500 members. 

Most of them are older people - they are all Japanese. 

They do not allow everyone to join them anymore.  You must be invited.

Gendai Reiki Ho Todistus

Usui Gendai Reiki Ho certification


Tradicional Reiki certification



takaisin pääsivun


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